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Storms In Our Lives

dark-beachStorms in our lives. In Matt 8:23 - 27, we read of the disciple's experience at the sea of Galilee. There was panic and unbelief everywhere in the boat that night. Beloveds, if this was enough to frighten the most experienced fishermen on the boat like Peter, James and John, then obviously it must have been a huge one indeed.

Our lives are much like that at times. Regardless of how experienced we are in anything, there comes a time when we are place in extreme situations that even our experience does not help. In life there are three different types of storms.

Firstly, there are the situational storms. This is when circumstances in your life goes wrong. For example, You start the day on a wrong foot and it just gets worse throughout the day. Or you got dismissed from work and on the way home you have a motor car accident which lands you in a hospital and the list goes on.

Then there are the relational ones. This is when relationship with people suddenly goes haywire. What you thought was a picture perfect relationship suddenly falling apart all around you and you can't stop it. These are people related.

The third type are emotional. These are more personal, like what Job experienced in the Old Testament. The turmoils that are going on inside you, which are enough to drive one cracy.Job 30: 23.

The book of James 1:5, tells us to count them all joy when they happen. When I first came across this text I thought there was a misprint in the bible. How could James be saying that? Does he have any idea who this woman I am living with is or this man I am married to is. This is a difficult text to follow but as you mature in the Lord, God's patience, long sufferance and Love begins to develop in you as a fruit and these things become less noticeable.

Beloveds, storms will happen regardless and they are quite unpredictable. The one in the book of Matthew suddenly came on them. They are also impartial. They do not discriminate and are available to anyone who does not need them.

Paul was shipwrecked, beaten, stoned and yet he was right in the will of God. Even the disciples were caught in one because they obeyed Jesus to cross to the other side in the boat. Storms are part of our lives and therefore we must be prepared.

Paul the most experienced campaigner say in Phil 4:6-7, "Be anxious for nothing. . . ".

redarrow In whatever we do, make sure Jesus is with us in our boat. If you have not, then repent and ask Him into your activities. God can turn any situation around for the good of those who love Him and those who were chosen for His purpose.

redarrow Then relax in God's care.

redarrow Rely on His Control, by being still and knowing that He is GOD.

The wind will stop and the water will settle and peace will be with you, God bless and Amen.

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