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Summary of Healing Scriptures

Summary of Healing Scriptures. The healing scriptures contain life. As you declare them throughout the day, you develop a protective sphere or a cocoon around yourself and your loved ones.

Apostle John said, Beloveds, I pray above all else that you prosper in your hearts needs and have wonderful health, even as your soul prospers in the (Word) of God.

As we meditate on the healing scriptures, not only will our soul prosper, but our health as well our finances and other needs begin to prosper.

Imagine this, healing scriptures having influence on our finances as well as other needs. What John is saying is there is a spiritual law in play in our lives.

As we declare healing scriptures for our bodies (even when we are not sick) the healing that goes into motion, begins to move into other areas of our lives that may need healing. We may not be aware of these areas.

The healing scriptures are containers that carry Life. Jesus said He is Life. The Bible also tells us He is the Word. In the Word is Life. The healing scriptures are the containers that carry that Life.

The more scriptures we hear, the more Life fills us. And as Life starts to overflow out of us, it affects everyone (and everything) around us. Depressed people begin to find comfort. Finances begin to sort out.

Do not take these healing scriptures for granted. They bring Life. Uttering health scriptures not only keeps the doctors away, but creates a pleasant and healthy environment for one to be in.

A person who utters healing scriptures every day is a happy and a healthy person. His finances, his work, his family are all in order. There is power in the healing scriptures.

When you declare them continually you begin to see results. One healing scripture a day is all you need. The benefit and the outcome are awesome.

Healing Scriptures from Old Testament

Healing Scriptures from New Testament

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